Corporate Courses

C)SA2: Security Awareness 2

Course Outline

The Mile2® Certified Security Awareness 2, C)SA2, course is to help the student take organizational cyber awareness to the next level. Attendees will understand the security threats that are associated with a company culture.

Specifically designed for managers, the Certified Security Awareness 2, C)SA2, delves into how to respond to a breach, the legal requirements for response, and how to prevent future breaches. The Certified Security Awareness 2 course provides lower and executive management a window as to the techniques of malicious hackers as well as the counter response controls management can implement to detour a major compromise.





Course Content

  • Module 1 – Creating a Cybersecurity Culture
  • Module 2 – Social Engineering Attacks: Executive Management and Assets
  • Module 3 – Incident Preparedness and Management Planning
  • Module 4 – Law and Global Compliance Standards

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