Corporate Courses

Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist™ (CEET)

Course Outline

In this course, you will incorporate ethics into data-driven technologies such as AI, IoT, and data science.
You will:

  • Describe general concepts, theories, and challenges related to ethics and emerging technologies.
  • Identify ethical risks.
  • Practice ethical reasoning.
  • Identify and mitigate safety and security risks.
  • Identify and mitigate privacy risks.
  • Identify and mitigate fairness and bias risks.
  • Identify and mitigate transparency and explain ability risks.
  • Identify and mitigate accountability risks.
  • Build an ethical organization.
  • Develop ethical systems in technology-focused organizations.




To ensure your success in this course, you should have a genuine interest in ensuring that emerging technologies are ethical, trusted, and inclusive. It may also be helpful if you have an understanding of concepts related to emerging technologies. Practical experience implementing data science, AI, and/or IoT to solve business problems is encouraged but not required. You can obtain the appropriate knowledge of emerging technologies concepts by attending any or all of the following courses:

  • IoTBIZ™ (Exam IOZ-110)
  • DSBIZ™ (Exam DSZ-110): Data Science for Business Professionals
  • AIBIZ™ (Exam AIZ-110)
  • ETBIZ: Emerging Technology for the Business Professional (Exam ETZ-110)

Course Content

Lesson 1: Introduction to Ethics of Emerging Technologies

  • Topic A: What’s at Stake
  • Topic B: Ethics and Why It Matters
  • Topic C: Ethical Decision-Making in Practice
  • Topic D: Causes of Ethical Failures

Lesson 2: Identifying Ethical Risks

  • Topic A: Ethical Reasons
  • Topic B: Stumbling Blocks for Ethical Reasoning
  • Topic C: Identify Ethical Risks in Product Development
  • Topic D: Tools for Identifying Ethical Risks
  • Topic E: Use Regulations, Standards, and Human Rights to Identify Ethical Risks

Lesson 3: Ethical Reasoning in Practice

  • Topic A: Ethical Theories
  • Topic B: Use Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks
  • Topic C: Select Options for Action
  • Topic D: Avoid Problems in Ethical Decision-Making

Lesson 4: Identifying and Mitigating Security Risks

  • Topic A: What Is Security?
  • Topic B: Identify Security Risks
  • Topic C: Security Tradeoffs
  • Topic D: Mitigate Security Risks

Lesson 5: Identifying and Mitigating Privacy Risks

  • Topic A: What Is Privacy?
  • Topic B: Identify Privacy Risks
  • Topic C: Privacy Tradeoffs
  • Topic D: Mitigate Privacy Risks

Lesson 6: Identifying and Mitigating Fairness and Bias Risks

  • Topic A: What Are Fairness and Bias?
  • Topic B: Identify Bias Risks
  • Topic C: Fairness Tradeoffs
  • Topic D: Mitigate Bias Risks

Lesson 7: Identifying and Mitigating Transparency and Explain ability Risks

  • Topic A: What Are Transparency and Explainability?
  • Topic B: Identify Transparency and Explainability Risks
  • Topic C: Transparency and Explainability Tradeoffs
  • Topic D: Mitigate Transparency and Explainability Risks

Lesson 8: Identifying and Mitigating Accountability Risks

  • Topic A: What Is Accountability?
  • Topic B: Identify Accountability Risks
  • Topic C: Accountability Tradeoffs
  • Topic D: Mitigate Accountability Risks

Lesson 9: Building an Ethical Organization

  • Topic A: What Are Ethical Organizations?
  • Topic B: Organizational Purpose
  • Topic C: Ethics Awareness
  • Topic D: Develop Professional Ethics within Organizations

Lesson 10: Developing Ethical Systems in Technology-Focused Organizations

  • Topic A: Policy and Compliance
  • Topic B: Metrics and Monitoring
  • Topic C: Communication and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Topic D: Ethical Leadership

Appendix A: Mapping Course Content to Exam CET-110: Certified Ethical Emerging
Technologist Certification Objectives

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