The certified heroes of tomorrow

The tech industry has a massive, growing gap in skill supply & demand. By 2020 there will be 4,500,000 unfilled computer science jobs worldwide.

Online training courses – Business skills

Online training courses have become incredibly popular over the past few years. This popularity is driven by the fact that online training courses are accessible, flexible and offer significant variety.

Why certify when you do CompTIA courses, Microsoft courses or even Cisco courses?

There is real value in IT related certifications. According to the 2017 Pearson VUE Value of Certification Survey, 86% of IT professionals would recommend certification to a colleague, 65% received positive impact on their professional image after certification, 54% experienced their first benefit within 3 months of certification and 23% received a salary increase after certifying.

IT training companies

When you’re looking to drive your employees’ continuing professional development while ensuring that they are capable of using the latest tools and technologies you need to locate IT training companies that are qualified and capable.